Quantile binning with missing data
This uses numpy and numba for fast binning of numerical data to quantiles. It also supports missing data.
import numpy as np
from numba import njit
def _find_binning_thresholds(data, max_bins=256, subsample=int(2e5)):
if not (2 <= max_bins <= 256):
raise ValueError(
"max_bins={} should be no smaller than 2 "
"and no larger than 256.".format(max_bins)
= np.linspace(0, 100, num=max_bins + 1)
percentiles = percentiles[1:-1]
percentiles = []
binning_thresholds for f_idx in range(data.shape[1]):
= np.ascontiguousarray(data[:, f_idx], dtype=np.float64)
col_data = np.isfinite(col_data)
mask = col_data[mask]
col_data = np.unique(col_data)
distinct_values if len(distinct_values) <= max_bins:
= distinct_values[:-1] + distinct_values[1:]
midpoints *= 0.5
midpoints else:
= np.percentile(
midpoints ="midpoint"
col_data, percentiles, interpolation
binning_thresholds.append(np.unique(midpoints))return binning_thresholds
def _map_num_col_to_bins(data, binning_thresholds, binned):
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
= 0, binning_thresholds.shape[0]
left, right while left < right:
= (right + left - 1) // 2
middle if data[i] <= binning_thresholds[middle]:
= middle
right else:
= middle + 1
left = left
def _map_to_bins(data, binning_thresholds, binned):
"""Bin numerical values to discrete integer-coded levels."""
for feature_idx in range(data.shape[1]):
data[:, feature_idx],
binned[:, feature_idx],
def _assign_nan_to_bin(binned, X, actual_n_bins, assign_nan_to_unique_bin=False):
= np.isnan(X)
mask for i in range(X.shape[1]):
= actual_n_bins[i] if assign_nan_to_unique_bin else np.nan
binned[mask[:, i], i] return binned
class QuantileBinning():
def __init__(self):
self.bin_thresholds = []
self.n_bins = []
def fit(self, X):
self.bin_thresholds = _find_binning_thresholds(X)
self.n_bins = np.array(
0] + 1 for thresholds in self.bin_thresholds], dtype=np.uint32
def transform(self, X, assign_nan_to_unique_bin=False):
= np.zeros_like(X, dtype=np.float32, order="F")
binned self.bin_thresholds, binned)
_map_to_bins(X, = _assign_nan_to_bin(binned, X, self.n_bins, assign_nan_to_unique_bin)
binned return binned